AJUTA UN PROST – cum se foloseste corect liftul

Stateam si asteptam liftul sa urc la sala. Apasasem butonul SUS si in timp ce liftul se plimba intre etaje vine un istet cu initiativa si apasa si butonul JOS. Asa ca i-am pus urmatoarea intrebare: daca erau 3 sau 4 butoane, le apasai pe toate? A zis ca nu intelege intrebarea asa ca l-am intrebat daca vrea sa coboare la subsol. A zis ca nu intelege intrebarea asa ca nu am insistat,

Au trecut 30 de ani de la revolutie si te-ai astepta ca oamenii sa stie de acum cum sa foloseasca liftul. Multi sunt insa inca bulversati de existenta celor 2 butoane si oricat ar incerca sa priceapa care este rostul lor, mintea lor nu poate procesa aceasta enigma asa ca apasa ambele butoane (ca altfel nu erau puse acolo nu? daca nu trebuiau apasate amandoua). Si uite asa urca la etajul 6 oamenii care de fapt vor sa coboare la parter sau coboara la parter cei care vor sa urce.

Astazi vom lamuri marele mister al calatorilor intre etaje folosind liftul. Este banal de simplu, idiot de simplu asa ca baga bine la capatana:

Vrei sa urci la un etaj superior (… pleonasm dar ca sa ma fac mai bine inteles)? Apesi butonul cu sageata SUS
Vrei sa cobori la un etaj inferior sau la parter/subsol? Apesi butonul cu sageata JOS

Gata, asta e tot ce ai nevoie sa stii. Lectia s-a terminat. De astazi o sa fi un adevarat expert in mersul cu liftul si poti sa ii inveti si pe altii care erau ca tine, ba chiar sa razi de ei ca nu stiu sa mearga cu liftul si tu stii.


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Cum reparam Windows 10 fara sa reinstalam (restaurare fisiere corupte sau lipsa)

Se intampla din diferite cauze (sectoare cu probleme pe HDD, stergere accidentala, etc) ca unele fisiere necesare la functionarea corecta a sistemului de operare sa dispara sau sa devina corupte. In ultimele versiuni de windows insa problema se poate rezolva fara reinstalare cu ajutorul catorva comenzi, rulata ca Administrator in Command Prompt. Trebuie insa sa ai conexiune la internet. Presupunand ca ai sau crezi ca ai probleme cu calculatorul si vrei sa verifici integritatea sistemului de fisiere, trebuie sa deschizi o consola Command Prompt ca Administrator si sa folosesti Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool.

Dai click pe Cortana sau Search, scrii acolo “command prompt“. O sa iti apara best match: Command Prompt Desktop App.
Dai click dreapta pe Command Prompt si alegi Run as Administrator.

  1. Introduci urmatoarea comanda in consola sfc /scannow
  2. O sa dureze ceva pana scaneaza toata partitia, apoi o sa iti apara una din urmatoarele raspunsuri:
    Windows did not find any integrity violations (a good thing)
    Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and repaired them (a good thing)
    Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some (or all) of them (not a good thing)
  3. Daca sunt ceva probleme incercam sa reparam folosind urmatoarea comanda: DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  4. Dupa ce termina de executat si aceasta comanda, mai reluam odata comanda de la pasul 1 ca sa ne asiguram ca restaurarea sistemului s-a facut complet si corect.

Articolul original in engleza poate fi gasit AICI.


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Review – Manual Juicer ACTUEL – Auchan ( Extracteur de jus manuel ) – User Opinion

This is a quick review for the Manual Juicer ACTUEL from Auchan store ( Extracteur de jus manuel ). You can purchase it at any Auchan store for about 15 euros.

As you can see in the pictures, it looks just like a simplified and cheaper version of the Lexen Healthy Wheatgrass Juicer. Yet it is different in shape and functionality so it can allow you to use it with fruits instead of grass.

It uses some sort of suction cup but that will probably only work on a glass table or similar. On a wood table like mine it will only keep it firm on the table for 30 seconds. Plastics look good, bright red, clean white. Looks really good and does not look cheap. I can’t say if it will last as long as Lexen Healthy Juicer because the quality of plastics may be different.

However, I have used exactly 500 grams of fruits [ 1 orange, 1 lemon, 2 apples ] and I have put it to the test. It was the first time I have used it, right out of the box after washing it thoroughly of course. The juicing process took me about 5 minutes to complete juicing the 500g of fruits because the suction cup does not really work on my wood surface and I had to keep it firm with one hand on the table. You need medium effort to spin it, there were no real difficulties while doing it.

Obviously I had to cut the apples in small pieces and peel the orange and the lemon. Then the juicing process started and took about 5 minutes of spinning. The result is in the first picture from the top.

So from 500g of fruits, it came up with exactly 250 ml of fresh juice, with pulp. There is no real pulp filter so the juice has plenty of pulp. It tastes pretty good though.

CLEANING takes 5 to 10 minutes (if you also dry it – strongly suggesting to do that also) so you have to make at least 500 ml of juice to make it worth your time, in my opinion. However for small amounts of juice it is very good because cleaning an electrical juicer is even more time consuming.

CONCLUSIONS: For the price paid it has a good value. The suction cup does not really work on most surfaces. Juicing is neither fast or slow, decent speed I would say. Pretty easy to clean. Looks good and does not take a lot of space to store it. For citrus only though you can find better options. But if you mix citrus with other fruits or vegetables to create your own juices, go for it!

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